I and the Bird #11 - Where in the World?

Once again the Bird Ecology Study Group is participating in the 'I and the Bird' blog carnival designed specifically for bird lovers.
The carnival, the eleventh in the series, celebrating the theme "Where in the world?" is hosted by Clare Kines. Clare lives 900 km north of Iqalult in Arctic Bay, Canada, some 700 km north of the Arctic Circle. Our posting, Drunken Javan Mynas by Richard Hale attracted a "Don't they know you can't serve fermented fruits to mynas?" tongue-in-cheek comment from the host. Drunken mynas may be a novel thing in Singapore, but where the host is, Robins regularly got drunk on honeysuckle berries.
Click on the link and see what other birders are saying from around the world.
Labels: Miscellaneous
Hi, and thanks for the link to I and the Bird #11. Just for the record though, I actually live 900 kms north of Iqaluit in Arctic Bay, some 700 kms north of the Arctic Circle. Frappr doesn't recognize anything closer to me than Iqaluit though.
Keep up the great blog.
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