Tang’s nesting crows 1: Whose eggs are these?
He did just that on 5th December 2005 and again the next day. After a short holiday, he again checked on the nest and my, was he surprised!
In Tang’s very own words: “There is a crow's nest near my place. I first noticed it on 5th Dec. and saw a naked chick and an egg in it. The next day when I checked it, the chick was gone and I saw only the egg. Then I went off to Taiwan for 2 weeks' holiday and returned to Singapore on 21st Dec. When I checked the nest this morning, there were 3 eggs!!! I am really puzzled.”
The most probable scenario is that an Asian Koel (Eudynamys scolopacea) raided the nest and removed the crow’s nestling. Subsequently the koel probably laid one or even two of the three eggs he saw on 21st December. Exactly what happened, we will never know, but if he manage to keep close watch of the hatching of the three eggs, we may be able to know whether the above conjecture is true.
Contribution and images by Hung Bun Tang
Labels: Nesting
This is a follow through of KF's (3). Hmmm... Is it possible that Koels go for nests of other birds? There are similarities in egg shell colouration and also plumage of the male koel and the crows, but surely the koel has also tried other nests? And if so, have they failed due to being spotted during the "hijacking" process or recognition by bird with largely different eggs. Koels going for Crow nests, learned behaviour?
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