The 2006 bird race: A note from R. Subaraj

I just took part in the Singapore bird race over the week-end with Martin Daniel and Leong Tzi Ming. Our team STRIX was driven around by Sham who played the role of a non-participating driver. This was my 21st year leading a team in this annual event. Personally, I enjoy doing this once a year as it is fun and challenging... it is like a keen runner looking forward to his annual marathon.
Over the years, the bird race has constantly changed it's format and rules so we have to adapt accordingly. This year was no different. Registrations and submissions went online; teams could begin and end whereever they liked as you only had to submit your results by today, the 24th October 2006; the timing changed to 6.00am Sat to 6.00am Sun; the end of the race get-together is to be held only a week after, on Sat 28th. There was an insensitive point though as the organiser elected to have the bird race on Deepavali Day... whoever decided this has a lot to answer for.
Despite these changes, the unfortunate Deepavali date and the haze, my team decided to go out and do what we always do... go all out while enjoying the day. Sham was not part of the team this year but played the role of non-participating driver. This allowed her to visit our parents in the morning while we were in the forest. I made it clear that she was only to drive us around and she could not be with us during the birding nor could she point out birds to us.
We chose to do a relatively fast-paced (what was I thinking!) itinerary which would take us on a near complete circuit around Singapore. We made a couple more stops than we usually did and while the day proved tiring, it was also highly successful. We spotted 159 species (and only heard 5 others), which is the highest score that I have ever had on a bird race and, after 15 years of trying, finally broke the existing record of 154 species (which was set in 1991 but also included species on call). Six species on the list required notes, according to the rules, so I wrote out reasonably detailed notes for each of them and have just sent them along with the official forms to the organisers, via e-mail. I see no reason why any of the 6 will be rejected as the notes are quite thorough for a fast paced event like this. Phew!!!
Some of the highlights of the day :-
We started the day in the forest at MacRitchie and Sime and left the area with 59 species seen, including goodies like Grey and Malaysian Eared Nightjar, Inornate and Eastern Crowned Warblers, Dark-sided Flycatcher, Greater Green and Blue-winged Leafbirds, Thick-billed Green-Pigeons, Oriental Pratincole, Eyebrowed Thrush, Forest and Grey Wagtails and Black-headed Bulbul.

The funny thing about having such a high score this year was that conditions were anything but favourable. While it did not rain nor was it too hot... the haze was pretty bad in the morning, though it cleared up by afternoon. The prolonged dry period meant that water-logged fields were dried up, drains and ponds were very shallow or partially dry and the humidity was something else. Yet, the birds showed up well and migrants were quite varied on the day.
I hope that you all do not mind my sharing this with you. I do hope that my e-mail with results and notes is received by the organisers... it should be, and I hope that all the birds are accepted by the arbitrators... they ought to be. We'll find out this on Saturday. If everything stays the same, I just might be able to take it easy for the next bird race in 2007!
R. Subaraj
24th October 2006
Images of owl and Subaraj & family by YC, others by Chan Yoke Meng.
wow sounds exciting! hope the results on saturday is favourable and im sure it will be!! thanks for sharing :D
The bird race sounds very exciting! How I wish I can ID birds when I see them out in the field also =)
Thank you for the splendid report, even to someone like me who is a novice birdwatcher.
I never realised our harsh unbanised environment held so many wonderful feathered friends!
hi my name is Maryanne I like this site of yours I overheard someone talking about it and checked it out Nice job.
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